The Ultimate Guide to Podcast Guesting for Coaches and Consultants

Hello, esteemed coaches and consultants!

In today’s digital age, podcast guesting has emerged as a powerful tool to amplify your voice, establish authority, and connect with a broader audience. But how do you navigate the intricate maze of podcast researching, booking, guesting, and marketing? Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together.

1. Podcast Researching: Finding Your Perfect Match

a. Define Your Audience: Before diving into the vast ocean of podcasts, identify who you want to reach. Are they budding entrepreneurs, seasoned professionals, or perhaps individuals seeking personal growth?

b. Use Podcast Directories: Platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher categorize podcasts by genres, making your search more streamlined.

c. Listen Actively: Once you’ve shortlisted a few, invest time in listening. Does the content resonate with your expertise? Is the audience engagement high?

2. Podcast Booking: Securing Your Spot

a. Craft a Compelling Pitch: Your pitch should succinctly convey who you are, your expertise, and the unique insights you bring to the table.

b. Personalize Your Approach: Generic pitches are a dime a dozen. Tailor your pitch for each podcast, referencing specific episodes or topics they’ve covered.

c. Follow Up, But Don’t Pester: If you don’t hear back within a week or two, send a gentle follow-up. Remember, persistence is key, but there’s a fine line between being persistent and pushy.

3. Podcast Guesting: Making a Lasting Impression

a. Prepare Thoroughly: Familiarize yourself with the podcast’s format. Have a list of key points you want to cover.

b. Engage Authentically: While it’s essential to showcase your expertise, genuine conversations resonate more with listeners. Share personal anecdotes and experiences.

c. Respect the Host’s Flow: While you’re the guest expert, remember it’s the host’s show. Follow their lead and be adaptable.

4. Podcast Marketing: Amplifying Your Message

a. Promote on Social Media: Share your guesting episode across all your social channels. Tag the podcast and use relevant hashtags to increase reach.

b. Engage with Your Audience: Encourage feedback, answer queries, and participate in discussions related to your episode.

c. Repurpose Content: Turn snippets from your episode into blog posts, infographics, or even short video clips. This not only amplifies your message but also drives traffic back to the podcast.


For coaches and consultants, podcast guesting is more than just a marketing tool; it’s a platform to share knowledge, inspire change, and establish authority. By mastering the art of researching, booking, guesting, and marketing, you’re not just securing a spot on a podcast; you’re carving a niche in the hearts and minds of listeners.

Ready to elevate your podcast guesting game? Dive in, make an impact, and let your voice echo in the corridors of change.